When you first startup CloudAntenna or reset it the factory defaults you will go through the startup wizard.

1. Configure your CloudAntenna Language

Please note, not all application will support your Language choice. If Language is not supported by an application, default application language will be used.

2. Screen Adjustment

Adjust your screen to fit till white borders appear on the edge of TV screen.

3. Network configuration

Configure your Network. You should connect CloudAntenna to the Internet if you want to get updates, TV Guide, Android TV applications and many more features that require network connection. You can configure wireless or wired connections but not both.

Select Configure Network

4. Time

Configure CloudAntenna time. It is important to have an accurate TV guide, Recordings and device operation. Please adjust Timezone. By Default CloudAntenna gets time from the network, if you do not connect to the network, please setup CloudAntenna time,

Select Timezone

Select Time

Select Set time zone

5. Firmware Update

Once Startup Wizard is completed, please check for the latest Firmware on the next screen. 

Select Network Update