Cloud DVR from allows you to record over-the-air (OTA) broadcast remotely into the "cloud" - which is service managed by

When you select Cloud DVR the following happens:

1. app schedules recordings with Cloud TV service. You need activate Cloud TV service for that to happen.

2. Once time comes, Cloud TV service sends a message to CloudAntenna to tune into channel and start recording

3. If CloudAntenna is not connected to the Internet, the message is queued. If message arrives too late for CloudAntenna to start recording, it is discarded.

4. When CloudAntenna receives Cloud DVR message, it will try to tune into that channel to record. If CloudAntenna already recording, the message is queued. If CloudAntenna failed to tune into the channel, recording does not start.

5. If there is a storage device attached to CloudAntenna, it will also record that show to that storage device. If there is NO STORAGE device, CloudAntenna records to the cloud only.

6. In order to record to the cloud, app breaks recording into small files (1-8 Mb, depending on resolution) and uploads them to the cloud. With HD recordings, those files can be large (8 Mb).

7. Recording files are temporarily queued for upload into the cloud on your local device memory. It is limited and will depend on how many apps you installed. If your upload connection is slow, which is at most households, then you might run out of upload space very quickly and CloudAntenna starts skipping those files. As a result you might be missing parts of the recording.

8. To avoid issues with Cloud DVR, we recommend that your use external storage to allow ample storage for queued files to be uploaded.

Note: if you do not see any files for your recording in the cloud, it means something went wrong with above steps. Most of the time, the issue is with CloudAntenna not having enough space to store files in queue for upload. Also if recording is interrupted, for example you switch to another channel, CloudAntenna will stop recording.